I Only Went to Look...

by Kate
(Boise, ID)

A New Kindle Fire In Its Box

A New Kindle Fire In Its Box

When I mentioned to my husband that I might like to look at a Kindle Fire and see what it was like (he owns a different tablet), the next thing I knew we took a detour to the nearest electronics store.

We reached the display and a clerk asked if she could help us. I began to explain we were just looking at the Kindle Fire, but my husband said, "We'll take one!"

Before I could stop her, the clerk headed to the back of the store to retrieve a boxed Kindle Fire, and five minutes later we were at the checkout counter. Despite my protests to my husband, and uncertainty about this purchase, I was handed the receipt and the Kindle Fire in a bag.

Since I didn't even touch it for a week because I was busy, I worried that it was a big waste of money. But then I actually got a chance to sit down and play around with it. To my surprise, I LOVED the Kindle Fire! I soon saw it was simply a small, hand-held computer with everything I needed and enjoyed, except for a keyboard. (I still use my desktop for that.) Although I liked reading books on it, I was also fascinated by the many apps--especially after I found a bunch of great interactive children's books with pop-up stories that responded to touch. My grand-kids love reading them with me and also doing some of the fun puzzles and other kids' games I downloaded, most of which were free or inexpensive.

I soon learned that it was also great for traveling. Instead of taking a book, pocket calendar, puzzle book, etc. with me, all I need is the Kindle Fire. Best purchase ever!

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The Joy of Discovery!
by: Rachel

Thanks, Kate, for sharing your experience with us! It's so fun hearing how people discover Amazon's Kindle Fire and how much they love it once they begin to use it. It's so fun!

Since you talk about the Kindle Fire in its box, I thought I'd add a picture of that. :)


by: nilo52

I love mine too!

I just got mine yesterday. Already I've found things to do with it; but I still haven't found the comma key. I just found out that it will try to help me with spelling!

The kindle fire is my new favorite toy! I am typing this on the fire.

by: Kate

You're going to love it! SO much fun!

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