I Only Went to Look...
by Kate
(Boise, ID)
A New Kindle Fire In Its Box
When I mentioned to my husband that I might like to look at a Kindle Fire and see what it was like (he owns a different tablet), the next thing I knew we took a detour to the nearest electronics store.
We reached the display and a clerk asked if she could help us. I began to explain we were just looking at the Kindle Fire, but my husband said, "We'll take one!"
Before I could stop her, the clerk headed to the back of the store to retrieve a boxed Kindle Fire, and five minutes later we were at the checkout counter. Despite my protests to my husband, and uncertainty about this purchase, I was handed the receipt and the Kindle Fire in a bag.
Since I didn't even touch it for a week because I was busy, I worried that it was a big waste of money. But then I actually got a chance to sit down and play around with it. To my surprise, I LOVED the Kindle Fire! I soon saw it was simply a small, hand-held computer with everything I needed and enjoyed, except for a keyboard. (I still use my desktop for that.) Although I liked reading books on it, I was also fascinated by the many apps--especially after I found a bunch of great interactive children's books with pop-up stories that responded to touch. My grand-kids love reading them with me and also doing some of the fun puzzles and other kids' games I downloaded, most of which were free or inexpensive.
I soon learned that it was also great for traveling. Instead of taking a book, pocket calendar, puzzle book, etc. with me, all I need is the Kindle Fire. Best purchase ever!