Never thought I'd want a Kindle! (Boy was I wrong!!)

by Shelly
(Honolulu, Hawaii)

Free Kindle Fire eBooks!

Free Kindle Fire eBooks!

I've always been an avid reader - usually a book every 1-2 days, and I always got what our library calls "honor backs" with no due dates. I would go every few weeks and fill my book bag up with 15-20 paperbacks and be good to go!

Then some friends online started talking about getting a Kindle, I immediately said I would never get one, since I can get all the books I want to read for free at the library.

Little did I know that Amazon offered free books every day! After finding that out I thought, "Well I can start downloading them and reading them on my computer." So off I started on what became a daily ritual of downloading all the free offerings of the day.

After a few months, I had over 300 books in my account!!! Fast forward to September and my birthday was rolling around, so I told my honey that I wanted an Ereader as my gift. I had actually planned on getting a cheap one at Walmart. But after reading about the Kindle Fire HD, I knew that was the one I wanted.

I honestly can't believe how much I love this device!!! I have over 500 books and numerous game apps!! I love to read when I work out on my elliptical, and the Kindle makes it so easy!!! I can't imagine not having one now!!!!

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Kindle Fire Pack and Play
by: Rachel Bruner

Hi Shelly,

Thanks so much for sharing your Kindle Fire story with us! I love how you found and downloaded so many eBooks and then realized it was probably time to get an eReader to make it easy to take your ebooks with you. :)

I can be a bit of a "collector" with certain things too and find that whatever I'm collecting, whether it's digital or tangible goods, they start to pile up after while.

Isn't it great to have all our eBooks on one portable device? Whenever I would travel, go camping, etc, I would pack a few books, puzzle books, magazines, etc. I usually had these packed tight into an "entertainment" bag that I would keep with me wherever I was at, such as in the car, plane, etc because I hate being bored.

Now I just grab my little Kindle Fire and go! No more hefting around a heavy bag of stuff (except the snack bag) to keep myself entertained on a trip.

Thanks again for sharing your story!

Free Kindle Fire eBooks!
by: Rachel Bruner

P.S. I added some pictures to show some of the numerous free eBooks you can get for your Kindle Fire. These are just a few of the ones I've collected thus far. I need to write up a tutorial on how to find free eBooks for those who don't yet know how.

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