North to Alaska

by Barbara

I got my Kindle Fire last year prior to traveling to Alaska to visit my children. I had a Kindle and loved to be able to read with the print large enough to not tire my eyes. But when I started looking at the travel arrangements for Anchorage I realized I would be sitting in the airport for extended periods of time.

The Kindle Fire gave me more options to entertain myself during these periods.

Also, it was fun to download some kids games that my grandchildren enjoy. It is always a big hit and helps me retain my status of best grandma to be able to share my Kindle Fire.


This is fabulous, thanks Barbara for sharing your story! Having a Kindle Fire is perfect for entertaining yourself AND children at any hour of day or night.

My mom uses hers with her grandkids too! She has a ton of interactive kid's books that they love to read with her.

Now that I have a Kindle Fire HD I use my original Kindle Fire to entertain my daughter, and all my nieces and nephews. It's fun watching them play games and actually do really well at a lot of them. :)

Learn more about the Kindle Fire and everything it can do!


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